
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Little About Samhain

Samhain ("Sow-in") is the witchy term (meaning summer's end) for Halloween and is the beginning of the new year on a witch's calendar. During this Sabbat the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is the thinnest. It is a time to celebrate life and give offerings to those who have passed on before us. 

Traditionally lit candles are put in the windows on Samhain night to guide home the spirits of deceased loved ones. Food they may have liked in life can be left on the altar or front steps as offerings. Pumpkins were carved into jack-o-lanterns to ward off evil spirits. Because as much as Samhain is a time to honour the dead and to feel your own mortality, the thin veil allows all sorts of spirits to become more prominent in the physical world.

If you plan to do any spirit workings on Samhain, you must be extra careful. Jack-o-lanterns should be kept outside your house, you should cleanse your space and well as yourself before any magickal workings, and you should spend a great deal of time making your protective circle. Salt is a must.

This image seemed appropriate, haha. Source?
If you keep an altar you should definitely dress it up for the Sabbat. Mini pumpkins and gourds are an obvious choice, as well as autumn leaves. Black candles are a good choice, as well as bones and stone skulls. Pomegranates are also great -recall the Persephone and Hades myth. I currently have the "Death" tarot card on my altar, perfect for Samhain energy.

Samhain is a great time to do rituals or spells for change and spiritual communications. And with the thin barrier between the physical and astral plains, it's also the perfect time for connecting with your spirit animal.

Ritual Ideas:
Celebrate the Cycle of Life and Death
A Samhain Ritual
Evoking Hecate

History & Lore:
The History of Halloween or Samhain
Samhain Lore

Happy Samhain/Halloween everyone! I hope you have a spook-tacular day!

Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thank the Moon -False Alarm!

Hurricane Sandy definitely made her presence known here but she didn't hit nearly as hard as originally thought. We didn't even lose power! That part was kind of upsetting. I like storms when the power goes out, at least for a few hours. 

Anyway, she passed by us with little damage, but she's moved farther west from what I've heard so I hope everyone is staying safe and watching the news for updates. You don't want to be caught unaware!

As for my blog, this of course means that I will not have a random absence, hurrah! This is especially wonderful because Halloween (read: the best holiday ever!) is tomorrow and I will be sharing my Samhain post with you all.

In the meantime, you should check out the new necklace I just listed in my shop:
xenia. a red and black arrowhead necklace (warrior, bohemian, tribal, natural, hunt)

Remember, you can get 15% off your order by using the code "FALL12" at checkout!

I hope you're all having a lovely Tuesday.

Lady Unlaced

Sunday, October 28, 2012

An Unperceived Absence

Some of you may have heard of Hurricane Sandy, currently causing havoc in the east coast of the United States. It's doing a lot of damage and it's moving quickly. What does that mean my dearest followers?

I happen to live on the east coast and the storm is scheduled to hit my area tomorrow into Tuesday. I am really hoping that the effects aren't too terrible and any power outages don't go on for too long, but it's really hard to tell. I just thought I would let everyone know in case I disappear for a few days. 

Hopefully I can get a post about Samhain (Halloween!) up before Wednesday. I have it half written so keep checking back as I may have it finished and posted tonight. 

In the mean time we have stocked up on non perishable food, candles, and flashlights, and are ready for a few days hauled up in the house. My Monday classes were cancelled and I am anticipating spending the day curled up in comfy clothes with my notebooks and books.

To any of my fellow east coast-ians, stay safe! To everyone else, enjoy your next couple of days. I hope you have an excellent and spooky Halloween!

Lady Unlaced

Friday, October 26, 2012

Check Out Who I'm Sponsoring in November!

I am sponsoring a couple of lovely bloggers next month who you should all go take a gander at! They are some truly great people with wonderful blogs.

I have been sponsoring Shell's blog for awhile now and she is definitely one of my favourites. She is an Australian sweetheart who shares lots of coll photos, outfits, and other fun stuff. She also just opened a cute etsy shop that is totally worth a look.
This is my first time sponsoring Marissa's blog and I am thrilled to be doing so. She blogs a lot about the Moon, and that is definitely something I can get behind. She also just launched an e-course for women that focuses on their Moon Time that will be getting into full swing on Oct 29. I'm really excited to get all the info for it. And if you buy it now you can snag it while it's still on sale!

If you already follow Baylee's blog then you've probably noticed me popping up over there quite a bit lately! (If you don't follow her blog you should probably get going on that!) Baylee is a new blog-friend of mine who is a total sweetheart who posts recipes, personal peeks into her life, and poetry.

Get clicking my lovely readers!

Lady Unlaced


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Interior Inspirations

Honestly I'm not sure what number I'm on with these posts anymore. Oh well! 

With all the shuffling of furniture and rearranging I am even more inspired than usual (and usually I'm pretty inspired) to decorate and get creative with the space we have. We won't be in this apartment too much longer, but I would like to enjoy the space while I can. 

eclectic bedroom



thrifty decor

As always I am drawn to the idea of a colourful, bohemian getaway with lots of different textiles in fun patterns, rich colours, lots of books, and beautiful art.

What kinds of things does your dream home have in it?

Lady Unlaced

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sleepy Eli

Pictures I took yesterday because Eli just looked so adorable. He was right next to me on the couch and his cuteness was super distracting while I was trying to do homework.

Aaaaand this was him later on in the day. He really likes to sit in boxes.

Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tumblr Tuesday

Tumblr has been lovely lately, so many beautiful images to vibrate with my soul. And my soul is especially important to me lately.

Now off to study more for the midterm I have today for my Climate Change and Human History class.

Lady Unlaced

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Things are in disarray again -our things are all over the house, stacked on top of each other and shoved into weird places. One of our roommates is moving out and on top of that we are changing rooms so that me and Mike have the bigger room. A bigger room will be nice, but in the meantime our apartment looks like a maze.

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Eli is having a grand time jumping up on everything and exploring. Right now he is running around behind the couch I am sitting on. Cats, you guys, they're so crazy.

How is everyone else's Sunday looking?

Lady Unlaced

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shop Update! (+ Win Shop Credit!)

I made a bunch of new stuff for the shop yesterday and got them all listed pronto! Go check it out, I really love some of these pieces.

And don't forget, you get 15% off your order with code "FALL12"!

And oh yeah! If you really love something in my shop but are kind of low on cash, you can enter the lovely Baylee's giveaway to win $10 credit to spend on anything you want! Go HERE to enter. There's also some other cool stuff up for grabs, so try your luck!

Lady Unlaced

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Soul Stirrings

I was thinking about my soul -the essence of my being- the other day and this is what came out of it. It started as a few random thoughts and I refined it a bit to make it sound nicer.

My soul rests inside my ribcage, somewhere between my heart and lungs, keeping time with the pulse of my blood.  If you were to pull my bones open it would burst forth from my chest, crystals and moons spilling out onto the floor. You would let my tigress escape, the wild woman who sleeps within me riding on her back. And my grief and love would pour out of me like ocean water, endless and deep.


White tiger by m|s on Flickr.
What does your soul look like?

Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tumblr Tuesday

A plethora of beautiful things this week.



I have been inspired a lot by the Moon and animals this past week or so. Nature calls to me.

Lady Unlaced

Monday, October 15, 2012

Quiet Morning

It is a quiet morning here in my small apartment. The sun is only just peeking out from behind the clouds, and everyone in the house is either asleep or moving softly. Eli is curled up on one of the table chairs watching me with half-lidded eyes and I'm comfy on the couch with my laptop and a mug of coffee.

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Look, that's Eli!

I love mornings like this. I am not typically a morning person so I prefer my first few hours awake to be quiet and peaceful.

How is/was your morning today?

Lady Unlaced

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Am Grateful 10/13

Grateful, Thankful & Blessed 7"x7" Wood Block Art Print - Autumn Leaves, Typography - Holiday - Thanksgiving Home Decor
Buy here.
Recently I am very grateful for...

+Close and supportive friends and loved ones.
+Hot mugs of tea to keep my hands warm.
+Cozy blankets and slipper socks.
+Time spent alone in reflection and meditation.

I am in a very thoughtful phase of life right now. I have spent a lot of time recently doing personal writing, tarot reading, and meditation. I have been filling my days with long baths, cuddling with Eli, talking to friends, and drinking a lot of tea. 

What are you grateful for?

Lady Unlaced

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Magickal Properties of Moonstone

I already told you about why I love quartz so much so today I thought I would share with you one of my other favourite stones -Moonstone. As a MoonChild (cancer!) this stone is one I like to keep on me at almost all times. I have a necklace with a moonstone pendant that I made and wear several times a week. It's very calming stone for me.

There are a few different kinds of moonstone -Regular moonstone, Black, Peach, and Rainbow. Sometimes they go by different names but those are the ones I know them as.

5 Small/Medium Tumbled Moonstone
Regular, Peach & Black Moonstone: Buy here.
As you can imagine, this stone has a lot as far as lunar correspondences, which of course then links it to the night as well as water. It it used and worn for luck and health as well as helping to discover and unfold a psychic or spiritual journey. 

I use it for its soothing purposes as well as helping me balance all the ups and downs in my life. It's energy helps give reassurance and a sense of stability, especially when paired with another stone such as hematite. It is a great stone to keep in times of self reflection.

Rainbow Moonstone: Buy here.
It is also a very feminine stone (as the Moon is very feminine) so is great when trying to balance out more male energies. If you are someone looking to become a mother you might want to carry it around with your or place a piece on your altar to help send the universe a signal that you're ready for a child. Or just use it to help bring out a more nurturing side of yourself.

Note: If you are interested in a Moonstone pendant, shoot me a message and I can custom make one for you!

Lady Unlaced
Read More on Moonstone:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wishlist Wednesday

This week I am really feeling more wishful for home decor items. Plasticland has some seriously awesome stuff that I am practically drooling over. 

I am determined to slowly turn my apartment into an eclectic bohemian getaway, with plenty of spooky elements of course!

Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tumblr Tuesday (may be nsfw)

Tumblr has been a goldmine of lovely things lately.

The werewolf one cracks me up, haha.

Happy Tuesday!

Lady Unlaced

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grow Up and Blow Away...

by Metric

Floating the room 
Two by two 
From the womb 
To the holiday 
There is no holiday 
First double-cross her heart 
He wants to start a family 
Needing something to go on 

If she weren't writing in blood 
She'd bring him her jokes 
A new liver 
And a shovel for the mud 
If he were not knee-deep in mud 
He'd bring her his drugs 
He'd get her a typewriter 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

Nobody knows which street to take 
He took the easy way
What was the easy way? 
First double-cross her heart 
He wants to start a family 
She always thought she would not. 

If she weren't writing in blood 
She'd bring him her jokes 
A new liver 
And a shovel for the mud 
If he were not knee-deep in mud 
He'd bring her his drugs 
He'd get her a typewriter 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

First double-cross her heart 
He wants to start a family 
Her body is the baby. 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

If this is the life 
Why does it feel so good to die today? 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 

Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away... 
Blue to gray 
Grow up and blow away...

Really feeling this song tonight. Any song you're into right now?

Lady Unlaced

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Autumn Weather

I haven't been on much the past few days, I know. I had stuff I was going to post, but honestly the weather has been much too nice to stay sitting in front of my computer. After a week and a half of rain and clouds, the sun has finally come back out. It actually feels like New England autumn weather, my favourite. <3 p="p">

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There is actually sun coming through my windows! Also, ignore how dirty my windowsill apparently is, haha. I live in an old, not-in-the-best-shape 1920's era apartment building -things are not always the prettiest. 

I will try to be back soon with some new posts on awesome things.

Lady Unlaced

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is Your Metaphor?

For my seminar class we had to write a short memoir about our metaphor -something we connected to that we could use to describe our life. I decided I wanted to share what I wrote as a Wordy Wednesday post this week.

My Moon

            I spin round and round, my hair flying out behind me as the world turns wildly. I dance in a circular movement to no music, just the sound of my own blood pounding and the stillness of the night.  I am ever-changing movement, expanding and contracting onto myself. My emotions rise and fall, my ambition spiking into a full-embodied mass of energy and then receding as I move back into a reflective phase. The moon is my mother, teaching me everything I need to know about life. She is cyclical and so am I.
            I have been keenly aware of the circle of life from a young age. We were not a religious family and I grew up free of any organized institution of faith. My only spiritual encounters were found jumping in piles of leaves, making crowns out of dandelions, and staring up at the moon from my bedroom window. I had no guidance in my reverence of nature, it seemed instinctual. I would become incredibly excited with the coming of each new season. I embraced the activities that accompanied the seasons with open arms. There was always dirt under my fingernails and grass stains on my pants.
            I never saw the man in the moon. People pointed him out to me but I didn’t see the face of a man looking down on me, I saw my lunar mother goddess with her kind eyes watching me from the night sky. The moon always seemed distinctly feminine and as I grew older my connection with her grew stronger.
            “What are you doing?”
            “Looking at the moon.”
            “Because it’s beautiful.”
            I’m always gazing up at the moon; it’s second nature once night falls. She is constant and yet always changing, just like me. She represents how I rise and fall, my happiness and my grief. The moon is a narration of life if we only pay attention. Sure she goes away once a month, slowly dwindling to nothing, but she always comes back. There is never an end to her cycle, just as there is no end to me. Even after death I know I will return to the earth, my spirit in a new body. I know that with my very bones. Not because I read it somewhere but because I can feel the truth of it in my heart. The seasons run in a cycle, and the moon always comes back around, why shouldn’t I?
            This past moon cycle has been like a short autobiography for me. I felt myself withdraw with the waning phases, pulling inward and seeking reflection. I lost the desire to go to work or class. Focusing on those things felt arbitrary and I had to force myself to fulfill my responsibilities. But then slowly I started looking outward again. The moon filled out and so did I, once again reaching out into the world and pulling it inside of me. Spending hours out shopping with my best friend was appealing once again while the week before it would have been treacherous.
            I have always been up and down in my moods, more so than other people I know. I spend a lot of the time somewhere in the middle, but every now and then my lows are extreme. My highs are not as intense, but they feel like such a drastic change after being so down. My family has never understood, and finding friends who do is hard. But the moon understands me, she is the same. Even at my lowest I can feel her lunar rays wrapping around me and giving me comfort.
            Knowing my own cycle has kept me going. It is the knowledge that I have risen up before from rock bottom that has given me the strength to do it again. I know that I am never at an end and stagnancy only lasts so long. Every phase of my life is vital to who I am, and none of them will singularly define my soul. I am fluid and free. Like my mama moon. 

What is your metaphor? I would love is you shared. You obviously don't have to write a paper like I did, but feel free to leave a comment. I'm sincerely curious.
Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blogger Scavenger Hunt

Sometime last week I got an email from Baylee about this pretty cool blogger scavenger hunt that she was going to be co-hosting. I thought it was a great idea and an excellent way for bloggers to link up and share their finds. It provides a great opportunity to find new people and read new things, which I absolutely love.

So instead of a Tumblr Tuesday this week I want to share with you my links for the Blogger Scavenger Hunt.

WILD I'll start off with my "wild card" and make mention of Madeline's blog, Jean Griege. It's an awesome fashion blog run by one of the founders of the online store, Tunnel Vision. She has a great 90s inspired style that I love and she always has something interesting or important to say.

RE-READABLE POST I am definitely going to have to go with There Are Two Ways You Can Look At Life... on Kate Henley's blog: Being You, Feeling Incredible, & Rejecting Expectations. She has tons fo great posts that I read multiple times, but this one is a particularly good one. I urge everyone to go digging through her archives for some blog gems.

GOOFY PICTURE My favourite blogger for goofy pictures is, without a doubt, Kaylah from The Dainty Squid. How awesome is she? (she's the one with the blue hair)

The girl in the stripes you ask? That Elycia! She's pretty rad as well.

RECIPE My favourite blog for recipes is definitely A Beautiful Mess. Elsie and Emma posts so delicious looking stuff and although I haven't had a chance to make much of it I at least get thinking about it. The one I have tried though, and turned out amazing, was their Red Wine Fudgsicles.
Red wine fudgesicles
Soooo good and so easy to make! It's getting a bit cold for them now, but this will definitely be a summer staple for years to come.

CRAFT/FASHION Craft or fashion? I think not! Why pick when I could highlight both? For an awesome craft I'm going to have to link A Beautiful Mess again. These chicas have some cool DIY projects, my favourite being this simple and cute tutorial on making your own tea bags for loose leaf tea.

Aaand for fashion I want to link Lua of Le Happy. She's a Peruvian fashion blogger going to school in New York with killer style. I follow a lot of fashion blogs but hers is one that I always keep up with. I mean look at her:
She's beautiful! And her outfit is beyond lovely.

BFF BLOGGER Picking someone for this spot is kind of difficult as I have not connected with many bloggers (something I really need to fix, I know! message me or something! haha) but I thought of these two girls who I think get this spot.
The first is Baylee, co-host of this scavenger hunt and a great woman in general. I always read her blog and I appreciate all the feedback she gives me on mine. She's into magick, too, how cool is that?
The second is Fox Marie of H I P P O R A C L E. She doesn't update her blog too much anymore, but when she does it's almost guaranteed to have edited self-portraits. The girl has got talent! I own some of her jewelry as well. I can honestly say she is the biggest sweetheart who also loves animals, art, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Perfect? I think so.

RELATABLE POST I've got another post by Kate Henley for this one. Have Your Cake & Eat It Too. I believe in working out, definitely, but I also believe in dessert.

GREAT SMILE PICTURE This one was a no brainer, Gracie from Bubble My Licorice!

FUNNY POST This post by Katelyn Demidow on her blog Gypsy Moth Soul definitely made me giggle. Mature? Probably not. Amusing? Of course!

DAILY READ One of my favourite daily reads is Laura's blog, Roots and Feathers. She is a beautifully soulful person and I love seeing what she has to say and share. Although I don't know her personally, I think she's a lovely woman with a lot of talent (she runs multiple etsy shops!) and a good heart.

Want to participate? Just copy the graphic into a post and share your favourites. Make sure to visit this post to link up with other bloggers participating in the scavenger hunt!

Lady Unlaced
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