
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Tea Time

Tea of the Week: English Breakfast. This is definitely a favourite of mine, regardless of the brand. Currently I just have a cheap box of the Red Rose stuff. I've discovered it's absolute heaven with a little honey and lemon juice added.

Tumblr Finds
Found on tumblr, but sourced from here.


found here.

Window Shopping
Pinned Image
Loving these shoes.

and i love you, i love you, i love you like never before...
I could never afford this dress, but I love it so!

Reading List
1. I really enjoyed Sophie's post about the evolution of personal style. My style is always changing and incorporates so many things and I love finding other people who are the same way.
2. 10 Rules For Happiness is a short but sweet piece on how to live a happier life. Most of it is no-brainer stuff, but it's nice to be reminded.
3. Damn, you're hot. I love this piece and it's a great pick me up for anyone feeling kind of down about their looks. Remember, you're beautiful.

The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. 
-Chief Seattle

Lady Unlaced


  1. I'm loving these posts, so perfect! The Ganesha picture was exactly what I needed to see right now, I got a little whisper from him. He's actually my patron God and he has been popping up all over the place for me lately, the other day I met a Gypsy lady who read my palm and gave me a little Elephant charm and I knew it was him.

    1. That was what I thought when I came across it. I consider him one of my patron deities as well. Something about him just speaks to me and puts my soul at ease.

    2. Ohh it's lovely to meet another with him as one of their patrons, he is so wonderful to work with.

    3. He is. I am working more and more to bring him into my life every day. He embodies the type of energy I need right now.

  2. I love the quote about obstacles.. I am just learning this to be so true.
    And oooo that river picture.. I want ot be there

    1. Me too! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can go on forest adventures :)


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