
Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Am Grateful 3/14

CUSTOM Grateful Heart Wood Pallet Art
Buy here.

I have been battling with my anxiety a lot lately, but I am determined not to let negative thinking win out. So I am taking stock and being grateful for things I have in my life.

Today I am grateful for...

My cat sleeping at the foot of the bed.
Having the love of my life to hold me at night.
Fruit smoothies.
Hooping in the living room.
Really good books.
The lovely readers I have for my blog.

Just thinking about all those things makes me feel better. And with the sun being out so much after almost a week straight of rain, my heart is a little bit lighter.

What are you grateful for today?

Lady Unlaced


  1. I have been trying to do this more lately too. Sometimes I feel like it is so easy to dwell on the negative, that I forget about all the good stuff. Today I am thankful for blue skies and sunshine.

    1. Sunshine is always something to be thankful for!


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