
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April In Review

April is done with, kind of weird to think about. We are quickly progressing through 2013. It's finally started to look like spring outside though. I can see leaves finally budding on the trees and no more snow as far as I have been able to tell! Hurrah!

Anyways, time for my monthly goal review!

Update the shop (hopefully quite a bit!) Done! There has been tons of new stuff in my shop in the past few weeks and I have more waiting to be photographed and listed!
Write some poetry. Fail. I didn't do this at all. Oh well.
Dye my hair (blonde, I just want to lighten it.) Done! Did this a few days ago. I love dying my hair.
Hoop a bit more. Yep yep! I have been hooping at least three times a week. My cat runs away from me when I do, haha.
Read at least two more books. Probably more. I am calling this done. I finished American Gods and am currently reading Hit List. I have also put a huge dent in Women Who Run with the Wolves.

I will be posting my May goals sometime in the next few days. I didn't even remember this until a few hours before April is done. Totally on top of things, haha.

Tomorrow is Beltane though! I'll probably make a quick post about it but nothing too detailed. I'm not even sure what I want to do tomorrow. I am the most last minute person ever, it's ridiculous.

Manda Rave 


  1. Can't believe how fast 2013 is flying by so far! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

  2. Wow! You did an amazing job this month!!! I'm just catching up but it's great that you've been so productive. I'm jealous! All of my goals this month have fallen by the wayside.

    1. That's what usually happens to me. I'm surprised I've been able to keep on track lately, haha


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