
Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Feel Good List

My mood has been lifting lately. I'm not sick anymore (straggling cough, but that's about it) and I am feeling more energized and motivated. I'm smiling more and being more productive. Yay!

Today I though I would share a list of things that put me in a good mood and have me smiling and enjoying my day. Maybe you'll find something to put a smile on your face as well!

via pinterest.
Opening all the windows and getting as much light into the house as possible.

Cleaning & organizing so that everything looks good and I'm not tripping on things.

Going outside! And doing anything while I'm out, just as long as I'm not in the house.

Listening to my No Doubt Pandora station.

Hooping while I listen to said station. (Extra points for hooping in a bathing suit/underwear)

Not wearing shoes. Don't get me wrong, I love shoes, but I looove being barefoot.

Reading a really good book, preferably something fantasy-esque.

Banana & avocado smoothies. Talk about delicious (and healthy, hurrah!)

Working out. I always feel great after a Jillian Michaels video.

What do you guys do to put yourself in a good mood? I'm always looking to expand this list so please share!

Manda Rave


  1. Oooo, I want to try a banana and avocado smoothie!

    For me...

    Playing a board game in oil lamp light with Jen

    Lighting incense, a candle and working on tarot, my grimoire or just relaxation in general

    Sitting in the tent, outside, under the stars

    Biking and using all of my senses

    Gathering natural Summer memories such as pretty flowers, leaves, etc. and putting them on paper

    Taking a long, hot shower with new shampoo, conditioner and shower gel

    Painting my nails an awesome color

    Wearing, and playing with, make-up

    Meeting new friends, both online and off

    Writing a new About page for my blog

    And so much more!

    1. Incense <333 also a feel good thing for me :D

  2. What a good list! Some of mine are:

    Yoga and hooping
    Long baths with a good book
    Spending time in nature

    1. Hiking is a fav of mine as well. Haven't gone out into the woods in awhile though unfortunately.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love hearing from my readers and your support means a lot to me!

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