
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April In Review

April is done with, kind of weird to think about. We are quickly progressing through 2013. It's finally started to look like spring outside though. I can see leaves finally budding on the trees and no more snow as far as I have been able to tell! Hurrah!

Anyways, time for my monthly goal review!

Update the shop (hopefully quite a bit!) Done! There has been tons of new stuff in my shop in the past few weeks and I have more waiting to be photographed and listed!
Write some poetry. Fail. I didn't do this at all. Oh well.
Dye my hair (blonde, I just want to lighten it.) Done! Did this a few days ago. I love dying my hair.
Hoop a bit more. Yep yep! I have been hooping at least three times a week. My cat runs away from me when I do, haha.
Read at least two more books. Probably more. I am calling this done. I finished American Gods and am currently reading Hit List. I have also put a huge dent in Women Who Run with the Wolves.

I will be posting my May goals sometime in the next few days. I didn't even remember this until a few hours before April is done. Totally on top of things, haha.

Tomorrow is Beltane though! I'll probably make a quick post about it but nothing too detailed. I'm not even sure what I want to do tomorrow. I am the most last minute person ever, it's ridiculous.

Manda Rave 

Tuesday Tea Time

This past week I have felt lazy in my internet life. I added stuff from the shop and continued to update, but all I really wanted to do was lay outside in the sun or sleep on the couch with Eli. I am feeling more energetic and productive now though, thankfully!

Tea of the Week: Mint. I drank at least three cups of this stuff on Sunday when I went to my mom's to do laundry. It's just so delicious.

Tumblr Finds
I love this tea art! Found here.

Eyes and trees. I dig it. Found here.

Window Shopping
Actually this is real life shopping. I won $40 to evermicrush via The Dainty Squid and this
was one of my purcahses!

renewal. crystal point, onyx and agate earrings
Aren't these earrings from Spirit Tribe just lovely?

Reading List
1. I enjoyed this little piece about how writing for pageviews kills your soul. I think it's so important to blog for yourself first and foremost.
2. 9 Spring Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Apartment Livable Again -definitely taking note here! I am hoping to purge some more of my stuff, clean all the little corners in the house, and weed out my wardrobe. 
3. These repurposed items are pretty neat.
4. You should really check out this online sketch board! So neat!

Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul. -Walt Whitman

Manda Rave

Monday, April 29, 2013

Giveaway Winner!

The time is here! If I could play a drumroll for you all I would! Are you anxious? Haha

Congratulations VA!

You will be receiving an email from me shortly!

Thanks to everyone who entered and spread the word around. And don't fret if you didn't win, there will be more giveaways in this space sometime soon. I am thinking of giving away some jewelry!

Manda Rave

P.S. Interested in sponsoring Unlaced Heart in May and getting the chance to host your own giveaway? Click here for all the details.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

52 Lists // Week 2

This is my second week into Moorea Seal's 52 lists challenge. See list one here.

What comforts you?

Manda Rave

Friday, April 26, 2013

April Sponsor Love // May Sponsors?

I have had a lot of really awesome sponsors this month -3 wonderful people who are filling up my featured ads spots and a bunch of other great ladies that were kind enough to swap with me. I mean to make this post earlier but this past week has been kind of "eh" for me, meaning I have been a bit down. I'm starting to feel better though, so here we go!

First up, Lottie of Dear-Sweetlings!

I absolutely adore Lottie and her blog. She has one of the kindest and sweetest souls of anyone I have ever met. Her blog is filled up with faerie, crafts, magick, and spiritual healing. She is such a colourful person and I love logging onto my blog reader and seeing a new post from her. 
Some of her recent posts you should check out:


Up next is Hollie from In a Little Green House

Hollie's blog is such a delight to have pop up on my feed. She is honest and sweet, sharing tons of pictures and stories. I just love a blog that comes across as really and completely uncontrived (that's not a word, but I'm using it anyways) and Hollie's space delivers on that front.
Some recent posts of hers that you should take a gander at:


The last featured sponsor for April is Cecilia, owner of retroTimbre Crochet.
Earth Tone Crochet Bikini with Fringe / Blue Ombre Festival Top

Although I don't own anything from her lovely shop (yet!) everything she sells looks absolutely beautiful. It's all very 60s-70s in feeling and makes me want to go to festivals and hug trees. I assure you, that's a good feeling. Cecilia is a go-with-the-flow and find peace kind of girl and I think she is pretty fabulous.
Some of my favourite items in her shop:
(I like fringe okay?)

If you like Cecilia's stuff, enter the giveaway I'm having with her here!


I've also had a lot of lovely ladies swap ads with me this month, so don't forget to check them out as well!

If you are interested in sponsoring me in May you can find out all the details HERE.
I offer large feature ads at a reasonable price, as well as multiple ad swap spots that are free. Because I like to spread and share the love with other awesome bloggers.

Lady Unlaced

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I Am Grateful 4/25

Today I am giving thanks for...

A loving boyfriend who always supports me.
A full work station filled with beads and other fun stuff.
Fresh strawberries.
Warm weather and sunshine.
Story ideas popping into my head.

Manda Rave

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beltane Sale!

In honour of Beltane fast approaching you can now get 20% off any order over $20 with the code TAKE20 at checkout! How awesome is that? I should be adding new stuff in the next few days, so keep checking back and snag what you like.

I would love if you guys would share this image on your blog, pinterest, tumblr, facebook, etc. 

You can also now purchase a tracking number with your order. I have it set up as a separate listing here -just add it to your cart with everything else and when I ship your jewelry out you'll get a tracking number sent to you so that you can check up on the status of your package.

Manda Rave

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Tea Time

I have been working on a lot of stuff for the shop this past week. You should hop over there and take a look. Lots of things with crystals and gemstones.

Tea of the Week: Ginger. I love ginger tea, especially the stuff that Yogi makes. It's just so tasty and it soothes and upset stomach so well -for me at least. I dunno, if you haven't ever had it you should probably fix that.

Tumblr Finds
Love this! Found here.
This is stunning.
#anatometal loveliness
**I should add that we custom bent a captive bead ring for this project. We healed the piercings with rings and then switched to this once she was healed. She has had it for six months and loves it and says it is completely comfortable.  :)
I love this piercing.

Window Shopping
Organic hooded tank dress princess seam sweatshirt pocket dress cotton Foliage
So so so in love with this hooded dress.
LA LUNE (made to order)
I love this moon painting by Hipporacle.

Reading List
1. Bored with Facebook? Apparently the younger generation is, and I can't blame them in the slightest. I use it to further my blog and shop but not too much for what it is intended for, which is connecting with family and friends. 
2. I love this poem by Monica over at Ink & Chai. 
3. I really enjoyed this New Age Wednesday post by Angie. Lots of cool info and ideas for Beltane!

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. -Rumi

Manda Rave

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day! (Link Collection)

Today is Earth Day (!) and I thought that to celebrate I would share a collection of Earth day and Earth-themed links with you all. So let's get to it.

1. Find some green-craft ideas on Kind Over Matter's post Crafting a Green World.

2. Explore the Earth Day Network and and learn how to become a green activist.

3. Shai's blog The Vagabond Studio is not only an awesome personal blog to follow, but it great to read if you're interested in peace and being environmentally friendly. 

4. Ecocentric Mom is a great subscription box for mom's and mom-to-be's looking to find healthy, natural, and organic products for their homes.

5. Looking for organic, fair trade clothing? Fair Indigo has a pretty good selection.

6. Have you ever heard of seed bombing? If not you definitely have to check it out. And buy your own seed bombs here.

7. Check out a few different ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint.

8. If you're looking for more natural, do-it-yourself beauty products then you should take a look at this post. It's filled with great ideas!

9. If you're interested in learning more about herbalism and how you can make your own homemade remedies then I recommend this free introductory e-course by

10. Take a look at these absolutely stunning photos of Earth taken from space on the National Geographic site.

I hope you have found something that interests you! I hope everyone gets a chance to go outside and commune with nature today. 

Lady Unlaced

Don't forget to enter the giveaway -it ends April 24th!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

52 Lists // Week One

I am completely late in the game on this, I know. For anyone who hasn't seen this project, 52 Lists is a weekly prompt series run by Moorea Seal. Every week a new one is put up and bloggers are welcome to share their list on their blog. 

I've seen it around a bunch and have finally decided to give it a shot. I am quite far behind though and am starting with the week 1 list. I plan to just keep going through and continue on even after everyone else has finished up.

So, here we go!

I really enjoyed bringing all these words together. Just looking at them all there puts a smile on my face.

What words touch your soul?

Lady Unlaced

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Elemental Connection: Fire

Fire is something my Leo side connects with. Sometimes it is too fierce an element for me and I have to step back, but sometimes all I want to do is dance around a bonfire and let its flames warm my soul. I think sometimes my writing comes the fiery place in my spirit. Sometimes I just write words and I can see the flames licking around them, giving them a life all their own.

Personally speaking...
I love bonfires. Once it warms up outside after the long New England winter I am content to sit by a fire just about every night, sometimes with a glass of wine, sometimes just with tea. I love smelling like a fire pit. I love letting the flames heat my face and make my skin flush. I love getting lost in my own world while watching the fire grow and fade.

It heats my bones and sets my soul alight. In the presence of fire I find a swelling of passion and creativity. It unleashes the tigress in my heart and sets her free into the world. My tiger relishes a good fire, especially under the light of the moon. I am overcome with hope and light. In the presence of the flames I look to the future and I hold strong to my faith and my hope. I am ready to fight for the love and passion I have within me. Fire makes me a warrior.

My warrior self does not come out to play often. Usually I am more subdued, letting things grow and die as they will, going with the flow of life and the Universe. But something about fire gets my blood pumping and I am ready to take on the world if I must. I am propelled forward.

Symbol of elemental fire

Magickally speaking...

Fire is a masculine energy. As an element it is associated with strength, passion, life-force, and purity. It is an element of pure light and energetic force.

Colour: Red
Direction: South
Planet(s): Mars, Sun
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagitarrius 
Time of Day: Midday

How do you connect with fire? What does it awaken in your soul?

Lady Unlaced

P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

CLOSED - Giveaway With Retro Timbre Crochet!

Giveaway? What? Yes! I am so excited to be able to share this seriously lovely etsy shop with you all today. It's filled up with 60s & 70s inspired crochet clothing -how awesome is that?

Retro Timbre Crochet

Personally, I'm really dig this top:
Earth Tone Crochet Bikini with Fringe / Blue Ombre Festival Top
click for listing
But before we get into the giveaway(!) details, Ceci's here to tell you a bit about her shop.

The word timbre refers to the “color” or defining quality of a sound. Some might say that Paul Simon’s timbre is silky, while Garfunkel’s is reedier. 

My designs are largely inspired by earthy and vintage elements, from the dusty covers of vinyl records (Heart’s “Little Queen” among them) to very basic forms found in nature. My creative fire stems largely from 60s and 70s counterculture and the music that molded so many during that period. 

I design for free-spirits, festival goers, folk music addicts, and all around nature lovers. Feeling nostalgic?

One lucky winner is going to receive this (totally awesome) top, in their choice of colour!

This giveaway ends on April 29th, so get your entries in! Best of luck to everyone!

Lady Unlaced

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday Tea Time

Happy Tuesday everyone! Are you reading for my weekly collection of things? 

Tea of the Week: Chinese Oolong. Seriously, one of my all time favourite teas. So smooth and tasty, I have been drinking a bunch of it this past week.

Tumblr Finds
I love tigers so so much, you've probably noticed. Found here.


#relevant #truestory #lovestory #cantchange #onlygrow
Truth. Found here.


i love gold
This is just absolutely beautiful. I may need some gold liquid eyeliner. Found here.

Window Shopping
Hands of Time Upon My Ivory Rose earrings by Anvil Artifacts
Smitten with these lovely earrings.
Loving this ombre dress from Lulu's. Basic and pretty.

Reading List
1. I enjoyed this post about spreading happiness.
2. Alexandra asks all a super-simple and life-changing question. Click to find out what it is!
3. This piece about sexy semicolons made me laugh. I love a good semicolon and I am always delighted when I see someone use one correctly.

The universe is a stage on which your mind dances with your body, guided by your heart. -Yogi Tea

Lady Unlaced

Monday, April 15, 2013

EcoShag & Kooky Clothes

This is one of my very rare personal style posts! Are you ready for it? Honestly I wish I did more stuff like this but until I get my own camera I don't see it happening. But moving on, this style post was inspired by one of my all time favourite etsy shops, EcoShag. I got my first headscarf from the creator, Tania, in November (I think) of last year and I was absolutely smitten with it. It's beautifully made and so very pretty.

This is it:

But recently I got a second one and I am even more in love with this one than the first. Everything about it is perfect. The colour is incredible, the material is so soft (seriously, I spent forever just touching it) and it looks great. I am so excited to rock it all through spring and try out new ways to wear it. 

First off, look at this packaging:

Good packaging always amps up the excitement of what's inside, don't you agree? Plus, that cord has definitely made it's way into my jewelry stash and is waiting to be recycled into something new. I love acquiring supplies form unexpected places. 

Anyways! A few days after getting it I wore it out during one of my and my boyfriends walks through the Quabbin Reservoir and he was kind enough to snap a few photos of it and the rest of my kooky clothes for the day.

I got these overalls at Salvation Army for $0.99 and although they are a bit big on me they are one of my all-time favourite pieces of clothing. They're super comfy and so cool. I mean, they're covered in stars and moons. There is nothing not fabulous about that.

Outfit Details
Overalls // Thrifted
Overshirt // Second-hand
Headscarf // c/o Ecoshag
Shoes // Converse from Famous Footwear 
I just realized you can't even see my shoes but whatever, now you know anyways, haha.
Necklace // Hipporacle
Bracelet // Handmade by me

I told you, it's an awesome scarf. And if you want one of your own you can get 15% off in Tania's shop with the code UNLACED15 at checkout. Win! If you decide to get one (you really should) be sure to share with me, I'd love to see you showing off your EcoShag swag. That rhyme was not intended but I'm going with it, haha.

Lady Unlaced

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shop Update!

I have been listing lots of new goodies in the shop the past two days that I am really excited about.

I thought I would share some of the stuff you can now find for sale. It's all natural stone jewelry, my favourite type to make (and wear!)

kai. netted quartz crystal necklace with wooden turquoise beads and purple thread.

teigra. a wire-wrapped tiger's eye necklace.

lovise. a smokey quartz bullet necklace.

anu. large wire-wrapped tibetan quartz point necklace.

dulcina. a beautiful wire wrapped quartz point on recycle sari ribbon.

arvia. a wire-wrapped blue lace agate stone pendant on silver chain.

Mostly quartz. The last one is a beautiful piece of blue lace agate with lots of sparkle. You can take a look at everything HERE. Everything is very reasonably priced so if you're looking for something magickal to add to your jewelry box I would really appreciate if you poked around my shop.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Lady Unlaced

Saturday, April 13, 2013


I have been busy putting some posts together and making jewelry. Not much for today except some pictures of Eli. Enjoy! :)

He is really really silly.

Lady Unlaced

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Elemental Connection: Water

As a cancer, water does hold a special place in my heart. I was actually born on a cusp (cancer/leo) which leads to a weird duality on an emotional level and sometimes a bit too much moodiness for my liking. That's something I have gotten better at keeping in check though. My cancer-heart, however, is very much in tune with the rise and fall of the ocean waves, my emotions changing between serenely flowing and crashing against each other.

Personally speaking...
Water gives me life, much like air does. Our bodies are made up of mostly water -it is so important to us. I gulp it down, thirsty for its essence and wisdom. I soak in it and let it seep into my pores. I stand under it as it falls from the sky, letting it wet my hair and make my clothes stick to my skin.

Water purifies my soul and cleanses me from the inside out. It sweeps me up in its tide of life and deposits me wherever I am meant to be. It is a source of rejuvenation and endless mystery. When fought against it is a fierce adversary, but when embraced it is a protective mother, surrounding me like a womb.

Days at the beach are some of my favourites. The salty ocean spray on my legs as I walk along the shore, scoping out the sand for seashells gives me such a deep feeling of peace. Watching the waves crash against the rocks and listening to the gulls overhead, jumping over slimy patches of seaweed -I used to want to be a mermaid. The idea of being able to swim and twirl through the water, racing the fish and leaping with the dolphins was so incredibly appealing to me. Part of it still is. In the water, there is so much to explore.

Symbol of Elemental Water

Magickally speaking...

Water is a distinctly feminine element. It is the element of emotion and the subconscious. It is a life-giver and represents the constant ebb and flow of the Universe.

A few correspondences are...
Color: Blue
Direction: West
Planet(s): Venus, the Moon
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Time of Day: Sunset

A bowl of goblet of water is, of course, the most obvious choice of representation for this element on your altar, but things like seashells works very well too. I use an abalone shell filled with shells I've found on the beaches of Rhode Island on mine. Deities associated with water are Poseidon, Sobek, Ganga, and Chalchiuhtlicue. 

How do you connect with water? What does it provide for you?

Lady Unlaced

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