
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January Goals

It is January 1, 2013. Whoa! A whole new year starts today. I'm not the type to make New Years Resolutions though, so I am not going to be one of those bloggers who gives you a lists of all the things they are going to do and change. I am a pretty indecisive person, always coming up with new things and changing my mind about the old ones. I would much rather stick with my simple monthly goals as they are much easier to tackle and stick to.

So, for January, I am thinking...

Look for an online writing job (and hopefully get one!)
Write. A lot. 
Start a 365 portrait challenge (day 1 is today, check back later!)
Read more.
Reopen the shop & update it.

Simple stuff really, some things to help me get back into the swing of my everyday life. Everything has been really hectic the last few weeks, so returning to some kind of normal stability will be nice.

Got any monthly goals or new years resolutions?

Lady Unlaced

1 comment:

  1. What a great list of goals! Best of luck to you in 2013!

    <3 Melissa


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