
Thursday, January 31, 2013

January in Review

I'm definitely having one of those "I can't believe the month is over!" moments. A full month into 2013 already? Time is going by quickly. January has kind of been a slump month. Things have been kind of stressful. Eli was living with my mom but she is moving somewhere she can't have cats so we've had to take him to our apartment. Him and the roommates cat are alright together -still adjusting though. Mostly they are afraid of each other. And I still haven't managed to find a writing job, which is definitely more stress. Some income would be nice.

I missed yesterday’s portrait D: #365  #personal
Yesterday's 365 Portrait
I know things haven't been too exciting here on the blog lately. Stress makes me unmotivated and unproductive. I am working hard to pull myself out of this slump and get a smile back on my face.

So, these were my January goals. I've crossed off what I actually accomplished.

Look for an online writing job -I have looked. A lot. And applied for a bunch of things. So far I haven't heard back from anyone I have emailed. I am sticking to it though!

Write. A lot.  -I didn't write nearly as much as I wanted to. My urban fantasy novel is stagnant in my head. I have some new books for research though, so I'm hoping to reawaken the muse.

Start a 365 portrait challenge -I did this! I already missed a few days but I am planning to stick with it. Month one has been the process of getting in the habit of doing it. I'm hoping it will get easier to remember in the months to come.

Read more. -I have been reading more! I shared my 2013 Reading List not too long ago and I am making some headway on it for sure!

Reopen the shop & update it. -I still haven't done this :( But I am hoping to do so soon. Shop work helps keep me busy and feel creative and productive.

I did alright, but I need to be more on my game for sure. 

Check back tomorrow for my Febraury goals list.

Lady Unlaced


  1. I hear ya on being stressed and unmotivated! Right there with you!
    I wish I had an iphone or smart phone.. or whatever phone takes good pictures. I want to do the 365 year!

    1. I have an older iphone and the camera still isn't that great to be honest, but I am making the best of it, haha xD


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