
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Life Lately

So I know lots of bloggers share snapshots of their lives through their instagram pictures on their blog and I wanted to do something similar. Not the same thing though as I do not have instagram -that would require a fancy smart phone, which I am too poor to have. Buuuut I do have a collection of photos that I upload to twitter pretty regularly, so I thought I would share those!

Here's my life lately in twit pics:
1. Eli being cute // 2. Cooking dinner! // 3. Enjoying some nice weather on the porch. Blue sky! // 4. Getting ready for work and feeling pretty good about my eye makeup and new jacket/sweater

Something I should do more often? Let me know!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Lady Unlaced

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had instagram.. too poor for a smart phone as well.
    Love the pics.. your kitty is adorable. I like that jacket!
    Yes! Do it more!


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