
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th & All That Jazz

Or if you're not from the States, Happy Wednesday! :D

My Independence day has not been very exciting, mostly it's consisted of hanging out with my other half, helping her dye her hair, baking cookies, and perusing the internet. I did, however, get to go downtown last night and watch the fireworks with my aaa-mazing boyfriend. I don't have any cool fireworks pictures, but I did snap a couple shots of a wall that has been recently decorated with cool art.

I don't know why all this was put up, but I appreciate it. It makes out sketchy little city seem more friendly and cultured, something that it really needs. I love my apartment, and my college is right down the round, but sometimes the city I live in can be scary. I suppose that's how it is with every city.

Anyways, how has everyone's day been? Awesome hopefully :)

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